We all have been waiting patiently for the first download of Mary Wigham from Needleprint, and she came with flying colors last night. It is a wonderful treat for all of us Ackworth Quaker lovers, and a fabulous addition to our girls. With donation made, and Part 1 0f 9 downloaded, I was eager to pull colors and linen. Of course, nothing ever really comes without change! I am using NPI and the colors have been tweaked a bit. I chose is 40ct Pearled Barley from Lakeside Linens. I am anxious to get started on her. The colors are really pretty too! I havent joined any of the official SAL's, but I look forward to seeing others' progress and sharing my own. It will also be great fun to see everyones color choices!!!
block 8 is my favorite on HoHRH! And Mary Wigham. Hmmmm. I've already downloaded and donated. Just deciding when and if to start stitching. :D I hate doing weekly things. I like the idea of NPI. :D
ReplyDeleteThe year is flying and hopefully are needles do too.
ReplyDeleteI love the NIP's and the block looks great.
I can't believe almost half of the year is gone. Loved seeing your progress on the CHS.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded Mary too, now what to do- save for later or stitch now.
Hi there, I remember feeling the same when I stitched this design. I love it, but some of the blocks seemed like they took forever. Don't you just love NPI? I like to line new ones up just like you have to admire them. My husband thinks I'm nuts the way I treasure my silks. He has no idea how much they cost though, and we'll keep it that way, lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the notice about Mary. I'm not sure if I want to stitch it or not, but I like how she is offering it.
Still trying to post. Shannon, could you please email me? My email addy is in my blogger profile. Thanks bunches!!
ReplyDeleteAaaah, that pic of the NPIs lined up is some serious eye candy!! Love your progress on Village, too. Like Tanya said, some blocks just seemed to take forever! I'll eagerly watch your progress on Mary Wigham. I have Sarah Moon started--if you call about 3 motifs started--and really should stitch that before doing another Quaker. I might cave in the end, though. Gulp.
ReplyDeleteI just love watching the progress of your Village! Makes me want to buy the chart and do it! I can't wait to see your work on MW.
ReplyDeleteYour picture made me want to line up my npi's like little soldiers too. LOL! Somehow the AVAS don't lie there as crisply.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to your Mary start, and I'm still weighing doing it myself...