Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Moving Along

Too bad it has been over a week since I have posted and I have made some progress on Maria.  I havent touched my stitching this whole weekend-- work has been crazy busy.  Without wasting anymore time, I have completed as of last week Friday the over 3 cross stitch side on Maria. 

I am thrilled it is done, but yet there is still uncharted territory coming up on the left side!!!!  LOL. 

I have started the satin stitch on the top left, but I have already ripped that out.  So Maria has been grounded for a bit.  I need to work on her with a positive attitude.  Perhaps this weekend we will see some more progress.

I am looking forward to seeing more Nashville items, there are a few items I am waiting for, perhaps there will be more to tempt me.  You never know right?!!!!!!


  1. ooooo you have done well :)... I've heard that Just Nan has done an owl with a wee mouse inside I wants it love mouse xxx

  2. Maria looks great! I need to get to work on it. There's lots of catching up to do. You are all passing me up! L.

  3. Maria is so pretty!!! I love it! I can't wait for market stuff to arrive in my mailbox. :D

  4. Maria is gorgeous. I've been unable to stitch the past couple of days too, and I feel so out of sorts! I can't wait to see more of Maria and find out what you've ordered from Market.


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