Onto the Good stuff! First entering the home where The Blue Boy and Pinkie were on display, I am always in awh of the architecture that these homes had, the beauty just pores out and I can not believe what I am seeing. The very first room we entered there was a beautiful tapestry hanging over the fireplace, and as I turned to look at it, something else caught my eye, sitting on the desk. An embroidered casket!!! I can't even!!! I have seen one other of these in New York City in the Spring, but this was such a great surprise!!
Down the magnificent hallway (or grand entrance) we enter another very large room, and there are HUGE tapestries hanging-- in the picture you can see 1 of them, it has to be at least 15 feet tall! Also the folding screen is solid needlepoint. Such detail in all these pieces, it is always such fun to see them on display, and the guard in the room had a twinkle in her eye, she saw my excitement for these pieces!
The last few pics that I have to share with you, almost didnt happen. The last building to visit, American Gallery, was on a last minute- 'we have some time left, lets just see' so entering this place, alot more modern paintings and sculptures, (I like the older stuff, like seeing a painting of the Madonna and Child from 1549...in PERFECT condition) So, not really paying much attention, wandering, I turned into this room, and to my surprise, was this Sampler! Again, hard to show detail, but I would say it was about 16 x 20, the sign read it is Silk on Linen, from 1796 from Nancy Anne Moulton of Massachusetts. It is in terrific condition, and the colors were pretty vibrant, considering.
So, thus concludes this visit to the Huntington Library. Overall I would rate it an 11. I was very pleased to go and explore, such a beautiful variety of the grounds and exhibits. If any of you ever get a chance to go, it is WELL worth it!! Thanks to all of you reading these past few posts. I will post more on Beatrix soon. She is over half way done now!!!!