
More Floss Organizing

I have to first say a BIG, HUGE Thanks to all who left comments on my Mermaid finish! I am thrilled I got 20 comments!!!! 20!!! It is the most I have received so far with my blog and I cant be happier. How exciting it is to be inspired and enabled by others. Whoo Hoo!
In fact, so inspired by reading several other blogs about WIP's. There is such a variety of WIP's out there, that I really was curious on how many I had going. I was all ready to start the next project, and thought, let me take a fast look and see what is really going on in this stash closet. Well, including some serious BAP's, I have a total of 8 WIP's. Which is not bad, but I like finishing things too!!! Checking all the ones in question out, which one would I really like to get done and put to bed. Well, you guessed it. Mary. Not that this would have really been my first choice, I would much rather have started another new project! Right? With all these great new designs out there from so many fabulous designers, who wouldnt want to start something new--raise your hand.
I dont see to many hands raised! LOL. I have posted a picture of where I left Mary, and up to the squirrel, was done before-- it seems like forever since I have worked on her. The top 3 sections are complete, and I am trying to complete a section before going onto another, but I am not sure that will continue. Working the right side, I think I might just keep going to the bottom right and work left. Who knows. All I know is that she needs to get done. This will be my 3rd Quaker complete this year, and I am ready for something new.
Another reason I am very excited, is that my floss ring of WDW from the Mermaid, is no longer sitting on the couch, it is put away in its place in my floss organizer. YEAH!!!! This is fabulous!! No more random floss bags floating around. They all just clipped right back into place. (For more information on this TERRIFIC SYSTEM, please check my blog archives on the right hand column) I also finished organizing my Needlepoint Silk. All numerical and ready for use. Both Cotton and Silk done. Check!
Off to another great week of stitching! Hope all of you had a great weekend. I know I sure did!