While I am supposed to be stitching up a STORM.....I have not been stitching enough!!!!! As many of you know, Florida calls me, in more ways then one!!!! So, the top pics are of some palm trees and my foot in the Atlantic ocean, while in Miami. I cant tell you the specific temperature of the water, but I can hear my Dad yell for some SOAP!!!!! It is outstanding!!! March!!!! Whoopee!! I only went in to my thighs yesturday, because I had a dress on, but it was worth it for sure!! Today, we went to the Keys, and it was just as nice. The beaches there are a little more "rocky", but, I did manage to lay on my towel for a bit!! My husband did wonder who was "whiter", ME or the BEACH??!!!!! LOL!! But onto bigger and better things!! We did go into the water, and saw a few tiny fish, even a baby blow fish!!! How exciting is that??!!! Some crabs in there beautiful home, walking in the shallow water along the shore. Amazing. It was about 85 today. As you all know, that I am NOT complaining!!! I had on my bikini, and was loving life!!!!
Mouline as you can see, even from a post last month, that I am making progress. Because of where I am, I am not making the progress I would like to be making, although it is still early in the game! I will continue to work my tail off and stitch stitch stitch. I am VERY pleased on how it looks though!!! I really really love the Quaker pieces, and look forward to working on many more in the future!!! But for now, dinner and a nice cold one is calling!!!!