The interesting thing about being there, amongst tall old trees, hundreds of headstones is that it was so quiet. There wasnt a sound but rustling trees above us. There was about 4 others with us in this quiet place, you couldnt hear them though.
This cemetery was an older one, not as old as it could have been, but old enough to house war generals. The variety of tombstones was beyond what I had expected to see-- and I think my friends were surprised as well. I had a general idea of what to expect-- but being my first time 'not at a funeral' my eyes had been opened.
This headstone was one of the most bizarre ones I have ever seen. I am sure there is a variety under the sun-- when making the selection for your loved ones marker for his or her final resting place. There were headstones with actual pictures of the loved ones image. A tiny bit creepy (no offense to anyone) but what we were looking for was more along the lines of these:
This headstone was the only one that I saw with a 3-d angel on it.
This one has a tiny lamb on the top, looking over a small child.
There were more children then I had expected, mostly short lived-- a week old. Others were children from 1 family-- perhaps from the plague. What was more disturbing is the destruction of some of the headstones-- I cant believe that people can be so disrespectful to the deceased. What a shame, can they rest in peace? I am sure that this happens more often, but not opening my eyes until this night on this was quite the awakening.
As the sun was setting, we walked over to one corner and I saw a black cat headed my way. Interesting right? If I want to read into it I can, but I know he was coming from the neighboring yard and he came right over.

My friends spotted a tombstone that I believe was the most interesting of the night. They were excited to switch places with me looking at the cat, to looking at this
Can you believe this? You wonder how close to this carved stone does this couple really look like?
"Here we lie by consent after 57 years, 2 months and 2 days"
I have some shots that I have not posted, but up close of their eyes. Looking at those pics long enough, those folks are looking right back at you, and they are at peace. I know these pics may be too much for some, but those are way too much, and this is a friendly blog :)
Not knowing what the evening was going to hold, I would say it was a success. I am interested in going to another cemetery again soon, and look at the stones, wondering about these people. What did they do in their lives, how many children did they have, where is the rest of their families, was anyone a stitcher, if so where is their handwork? If you ever have the chance to visit a cemetery, outside of a funeral, it is not weird, it is very calming, very peaceful and I highly recommend it.